Search engine optimized press release is a new way of link building in the field of SEO. But they are extremely beneficial to an SEO operation. An optimized Press release will contain top keywords and links to your websites. Once the optimized press release is distributed, it is picked on various channels and sites including news search engines like Google news, Yahoo news! It is picked by different websites and when they reproduce it along with your keyword and links it generates extensive backlinks. Backlinks provides you the highest ranking in major search engines.
News are considered more sensitive than simple web pages. So when Press Release is distributed it will be linked instantly and provide you early visibility in news sites and major search engines. Many websites archive stories which maintain long term link value, visibility and ranking on major search engines. A well-written press release with full of authentic information will always attract the visitors attention and increase the traffic of your website.
If you are looking for generating more backline, visibility, and increase traffic of your website then search engine optimized press release are one of the best and quickest way. Even it is very beneficial for SEO promotion. Writing press release is the most creative work and demand more attention but with us you can leave all your worries. Our creative People write good press releases with full of information which can enhance your credibility and increase more traffic to your website. Even we submit your press releases to different press release directories under given direction by SEO. |